We've receive a few emails via AAL from authors wanting us to buy their books. Linda Babli Winter Haven -----Original Message----- From: list-manager@askref.simplelists.com [mailto:list-manager@askref.simplelists.com] On Behalf Of Dani Lichtenberg Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:38 PM To: Ingrid Purrenhage <Purreni@phsc.edu>; askref@askref.simplelists.com Subject: RE: [askref] Amazon Self Publishers attempting to get Libraries to purchase books? We constantly receive queries of this kind through all of our library email addresses that are discoverable through our website. These, and "businesses" that want us to include their links on our website. These are forwarded to the staffmember responsible for that area (collection development or the specialist in charge of the webpage involved). We generally reply as follows: Thank you for informing us about [your book or website]. Library staff will research [your book or website] to determine if they meet the Library's criteria for inclusion. Because of the volume of requests we receive, we are unable to accept every request, or to respond to each request personally. Dani Lichtenberg Manager, Research & Information Services Main Library Palm Beach County Library System lichtenbergd@pbclibrary.org (561) 233-2744 ________________________________________ From: list-manager@askref.simplelists.com [list-manager@askref.simplelists.com] on behalf of Ingrid Purrenhage [Purreni@phsc.edu] Sent: Thursday, June 30, 2016 12:15 PM To: askref@askref.simplelists.com Subject: [askref] Amazon Self Publishers attempting to get Libraries to purchase books? Greetings fellow Ask a Librarians, Out of curiosity have any of you been getting ask a librarian emails such as the following: June 30, 2016 Dear Library Director, Would you please consider adding the following three novels by August Sommers. Winter in America, Free Town, and The Rise of Caesar, as I do so enjoy his writing. Thank you for your time and cooperation. Ms. Janice Small Questioner Information Name: Janice Small Email: jan41958@gmail.com We have gotten this exact message from the same person twice. The books in question are self published through Amazon Createspace. I was wondering if other libraries have gotten the same or similar requests. Feel free to reply to me off list. Ingrid Ingrid Purrenhage, MLIS Associate Director Library Pasco-Hernando State College Porter Campus at Wiregrass Ranch purreni@phsc.edu 813-527-6690 Pasco-Hernando State College Please Note: Due to Florida's very broad public records law, most written communications to or from College employees regarding College business are public records, available to the public and media upon request. Therefore, this email communication may be subject to public disclosure.Ask a Librarian's Electronic Discussion List To email the AskRef listserv, send your email to: askref@askref.simplelists.com To unsubscribe from this email list, please visit tblc.org/unsubscribe-aalref using the password: TbLc_2016 This program is funded in part under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Florida Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services. ________________________________ Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Some e-mail may contain library information which is confidential pursuant to Florida Statute 257.261 and exempt from disclosure under the public records law 119.01. Ask a Librarian's Electronic Discussion List To email the AskRef listserv, send your email to: askref@askref.simplelists.com To unsubscribe from this email list, please visit tblc.org/unsubscribe-aalref using the password: TbLc_2016 This program is funded in part under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, from the Institute of Museum and Library Services, administered by the Florida Department of State's Division of Library and Information Services.