RE: [askref] Need coverage for Thurs., 5/24
Phelps, Lena 17 May 2018 13:39 EDT
I should be able to cover your shift that day.
Lena D. Phelps
Chair, Library Services / Lead Librarian
South Florida State College
Office 863-784-7303 / Fax 863-452-6042
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Sonya Chapa
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2018 1:22 PM
Subject: [askref] Need coverage for Thurs., 5/24
I will be unable to cover my statewide shift on Thurs., 5/24 @ 10:00 a.m.
as I will be attending the FLA conference in Orlando. Would anyone be able to cover this shift for me?
I apologize for the late notice.
Thank you,
*Sonya E. Chapa*
*Library Specialist*
*Okeechobee County Public Library*
* <>*
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